12 Taekwondo Strikes👊

Taekwondo is essentially Chinese boxing, Japanese Karate, and Korean Taekkyeon combined together. So it’s no wonder we have so many fantastic kicks and lower body power.

AND we have great upper body strikes as well!

First of all, these strikes are using either your Fist 주먹 jumeok, or your hand 손 son.

We have other kinds of upper body striking techniques involving the wrist, elbow, etc.

Today we will be focusing on the hand techniques!

Punch 지르기 jireugi

This is the bread and butter of Taekwondo, and Taekwondo poomsae. curl your fingers as much as you can and place your thumb overtop of the index and middle finger. Make sure to thrust straight, and use the two largest knuckles to take the brunt of the force.

Hammer fist 메주먹 mejumeok

The hammer fist is one of the most popular for board breaking. By forming a fist, you increase the density of the bottom of your hand knife. Hammer fist is first seen in Taegeuk 5 Jang 태극 5장, it is both at the beginning of the poomsae and also performed along with the side kick near the end. This is a favourite amongst black belt test hopefuls at my dojang, where they must break a board as the final part of their promotion test.

Hand knife 손날 son nal

Squeeze your fingers together and tuck in your thumb to make a flat hand resembling a knife! This technique is first seen in Poomsae during Taegeuk 3 Jang, 태극 3장. It is performed both as a strike and a block.

Flat fist 편주먹 pyeon jumeok

We construct a flat fist by curling only the first two finger knuckles of your hand, and tucking in your thumb. Flat fist focuses the force of a punch into a smaller area, causing more damage. This fist is not seen in the taegeuk poomsae.

Back of fist 등주먹 deung jumeok

Form a regular fist, and pull the fist from the armpit toward the target, striking with the back knuckle side of the fist. The back of the fist is first seen in Taegeuk 4 Jang 태극 5장, both during the middle and ending of the poomsae. The back of the fist is used to strike the philtrum 인중 in Jung.

Palm 바탕손 ba tang son

Open your hand, tuck your thumb against the index finger and flex the fingers so the tips curl slightly. With the palm strike we are striking with the ‘heel’ of the palm, or close to wear the hand connects to the wrist. This palm technique is first seen in taegeuk 6 Jang 태극 6장, along with the remaining taegeuk poomsae. However it is not used as a strike until Keumgang 금강, second degree poomsae.

Opposite hand knife 곰손 yeok son nal

Form your hand knife as usual, then place your thumb against the inside of the palm. By doing so you expose the where the index finger meets the palm; or the opposite hand knife. Many practitioners don’t know, but the opposite hand knife is just as strong as the regular hand knife! Opposite hand knife is not in any of the taegeuk poomsae.☹️

Finger tip 편손끝 pyeon son kkeut

Make your hand knife as usual, then bend the middle finger until the index, middle and ring fingers are all the same length. By striking with these three fingers together, it is a smaller area; therefore a greater force! It is a focused strike to attack a vital spot, finger tip strike is seen in taegeuk 3 Jang 태극 3장 at the beginning of the poomsae.

Knuckle protruding fist 솟음주먹 sosumjumeok

Form your fist as usual, then raise your middle finger knuckle slightly higher then the rest. After this, press the index and ringer fingers as close together as possible. This will add support below the curled middle finger, and support the middle finger knuckle when it make contact with the target. This strike is very focused, and is used to attack a vital spot. Knuckle protruding fist is not in any of the taegeuk poomsae.☹️

Bear hand 곰손 kom son

Form your flat fist as before, and ta-da! Instead of striking with the second finger knuckle in a thrusting motion, we will strike in a swing with the palm side. We will make an impact with the first finger knuckles and palm of the hand. This strike is also not seen in any of the taeguek poomsae.☹️

Arc hand 아귀손 A gwi son

Form your hand knife as before, then open your thumb as much as possible. While striking with the arc hand, it is important to have the fingers pointing outward or sideways. This will put the palm behind the strike and support the attack. If you strike using the arc hand with the thumb taking the hit, there is a chance you will injure your thumb. Our thumbs are evolutionary miracles for their dexterity, however they are not as strong! Arc hand is first glimpsed in the middle of Koryo 고려, first degree poomsae. Arc hand is used to strike either the neck or the knee during Koryo.

Scissor finger tip 가위손끝 Ka wi son kkeut

Making a peace sign, with the sad failure of peace you will use this strike! Flex your index and middle fingers so that the tips are slightly bent. This strike is only good for one vital spot, the eyes! Sadly this technique is also never seen in the taegeuk poomsae.

Hopefully you only use these strikes in training, and never have to strike a living soul!

This doesn’t mean we can slack on our training… hit pads, hit the heavy bag, hit Bob!

Because if it isn’t practical, then why are we learning it in the first place??🤔

Train hard, and see you on the mats.👊

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